"Natures treasure chest........"
Aurum Acres Farm

 Nigerian Dwarf Goats 
Thank you, God, for Your goodness..
Iris and Violet
Lyra with her kids Mortaki and Star
Bucks, Hans and Hodie
Patrick is one of our wethers.
Doe barn 
Goat milk lotion
Goat milk is delicious!
We took a trip to the petting zoo and found ourselves
spending most of our visit playing with the baby goats.
They were just the cutest things and were so much fun.  We left there knowing we would like to have goats.  We began researching and decided we would get some Nigerian Dwarf goats.  Nigerian Dwarfs are great because they are a small dairy goat.  They are very friendly and loveable making them good pets.  Because of their size, they are easy to handle which makes them ideal for families with children.  Even though they are small,  Nigerian Dwarf goats give a considerable amount of milk.  We enjoy goats milk; it is creamy, smooth and has an incredable taste!
We are registered with the ADGA and AGS
​Goats are very curious animals. Running to the gate to greet me, they follow me around to be a part of my every move.  When doing chores, they like to "help",  all of them underfoot, nudging me for attention, spilling 
things, and always having alot to say.  They 
certainly have a unique personality of their own.  Saying we enjoy them is probably an understatement.

We are increasing our herd so that we can have more milk.  We have made lotion and 
yogurt so far.  We, hope to be making cheese, soon, and eventually would like to try making some soap.  We have even thought about having some fun with "goat carts" which Billy and the boys could build.  We are also planning on registering for a few goat shows this summer which would support our sales.