"Natures treasure chest........"
Aurum Acres Farm

Thank you, God, for Your goodness..
Late in the summer, one of our chickens went missing.  Because some of them had been wandering into the wood, we figured a preditor
got her.  Three weeks later, there she was, in the driveway with 4 chicks!  The hens had been 
laying eggs in the wood.  Three of the chicks are
roosters and we would like to give them away to
good homes.  If interested please call us at:

The 3 amigos...
It has been great having our own fresh eggs.  We have about 35 chickens.  Jefferson, the rooster, oddly, enjoys being held. (We can give a quick course on "how to train a rooster.")   Chickens are not too much work and, if you sell some of the eggs, they pay for themselves.
We were at the feed store last February and there was a posting that someone near by was selling miniature potbelly pigs.  I agreed to go "look" at them, which I should know better.  They were 6 weeks old and adorable and we were hooked the minute we saw them.  So we came home with Levi and Tilly.  They make the best pets!  They are quite effectionate and very intertaining.  If you rub their bellies, they flip over on their side and would stay there all day if you had the time.  They get along with all of the other animals and enjoy grazing in the backyard.   They are very smart AND  can squeel really loud!
Levi and Tilly